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Master Coach

I started as a personal trainer after winning my second Mr.Universe title. I was training at world Gym, Santa Monica. A member at the gym "Ken Waller" approached me and asked – "Roy could I work out with you sometimes? 

It took a moment to get over my shock! Because Ken Waller was one of the professional Bodybuilders, I read about in magazines! I was dumbfounded and asked, "why"? He replied, "because of all the guys I've seen, you are the only one except Arnold, who does everything so perfectly," Feeling honoured, I replied, "Ok – let us see if our times match up later on."
A few days later, I walked into the gym, and this guy said, "Roy, my name is Richard Jaikel; I was wondering if you do personal coaching, and if you do, how much you charge per hour. I know you are going to train now, but let me know".

He scrambled down his number and handed it to me. I did not know what to say because, in Montreal, anyone would write a "program" for free.
Until then, I never realized how closely my peers watched me. So flattering, I thought and reflected on my teachers – Rick Wayne, Jimmy Caruso and Arnold Schwarzenegger all "technique" fanatics. Thank them all!!!

Later I spoke to Arnold, who told me, "you just tell him twenty-five dollars per hour," and He will pay you. You have no idea what many people are saying about your training style and technique.
All my self-doubt disappeared that day. I have not looked back!!
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